The historic Second Baptist Church was organized in 1889 when some Black members left the First Baptist Church and formed their own congregation. The Schoolhouse used for Black students was used as their place of worship. The church was incorporated on December 28, 1891. On January 18, 1892 the schoolhouse building and land was purchased from the Union Free School District #1. The first pastor was Rev. E.T. Curtis, who pastored until the early 1900s. The first officers were Gilbert Dover, Henry Gunnel and J.H. Comithier. The notary public was Orliff T. Heath.
Rev. T.W. Larsen served as pastor from 1911-1924; Rev. Trussie Johnson served as pastor from 1925-1929. During Rev. Johnson’s pastorate the cornerstone was laid on July 26, 1925. The building at 216 Water Street was purchased for $9000 and the church now had a church building. The following pastors served the church, Rev. Elias Broughton, Rev. Benjamin Sturgess, Rev. J.W. Alston, Rev. Raymond Jones, Rev. T.L. Burson, Rev. Samuel L. Perry, Rev. George Dixon, 1975-1976; Rev. Straughter, 1977-1983; Rev. Terry Green, Nov. 17, 1985-1994; Rev. Roger Clark, 1996-1998.
On July 17, 1969, the Catskill United Methodist Church at 456 Main Street was purchased and became the new home for the Second Baptist Church family. The church building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on August 9, 1982. On July 2, 1997 the village of Catskill condemned the building as an unsafe structure. The membership was forced to hold services at the Hop-O-Nose Community Room. The church found itself without a pastor and used area Associate Ministers to conduct Worship.
The summer of 1998, Sis. Planties Quinn Simon, and Ernestine Quinn spearheaded the church fund raising events at the Black Cowboys Rodeo to raise monies for church repairs. The membership efforts resulted in $8,000 being raised to replace the roof on the sanctuary. As a result of a proposal, written by Sis. Planties Simon and Bro. Fred Cannon, Second Baptist Church received a matching grant from New York Landmarks Conservancy to hire an engineer. As a result of the 9-11 line openings, the church address was changed to 458 Main Street in April 2002.
The church went nearly three years without an undershepherd and the church doors remained closed for nearly seven years. The sacrificing efforts of Mother Elnora Smith kept the church alive among other churches Because of her diligence to duty and her commitment to God, Holy Communion continued to be served and Sunday School was kept in session. To God Be The Glory for the service of Mother Smith.
On Sunday, January 31, 2000, Rev. Richard D. Turpin was called as pastor. Under his pastorate, church officers were appointed for the first time in several years. Training began for Deacons, Deaconess, Trustees and Ushers. The Church once again began to engage in weekly study of God’s Word through Bible Class and Sunday School. The first Bible Class series was “Baptist Doctrine.” The Church Restoration Project was fully implemented and in June 2000 the Church qualified for a Bank Loan for the first time in over 20 years.
While worship continued in the Community Center, Rev. Turpin appealed to area pastors and their churches for help. Churches began to donate time and monies towards the restoration of the church building on Main Street. Volunteers were also provided by Columbia County Correctional Facility, under the leadership of Herbert McLaughlin, to assist in the rebuilding of the church edifice. The Building Committee, lead by Bro. Freddie Cannon, was fully engaged -- For the People had a Mind to Work.
On August 27, 2000 Deaconess Suzette E. Turpin gave her Initial Sermon and became the first preacher to be licensed by the Second Baptist Church under the pastorate of Rev. Turpin. The church resumed fellowship with the Hudson River Frontier Missionary Baptist Association and renewed membership with the Empire Baptist Missionary Convention of New York. The church also became members of the Union Fellowship of Churches and the Greene County Ecumenical Council. The church began to grow in fellowship, adding additional ministries, i.e., Youth Ministry, Youth and Adult Ushers, Sista to Sista Ministry, Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Ministry and Pastor’s Aide Ministry.
June 2003, a partial Certificate of Occupancy was issued to the church. On the 3rd Sunday, June 15, 2003 (Father’s Day), after pastoring for three years, Rev. Turpin (with Min. Turpin at his side) led the congregation in a Victory March from the Hop-O-Nose Community Center up Main Street to the Church. This March was celebrated with our sister church Mt. Tabor marching along with us and many onlookers cheering on from the sidelines. What a Time! What a Time! What a Time! The Full CO was issued and Church fully occupied on September 28, 2003 (4th Sunday)!!! This day is now commonly celebrated as the Church’s “Official” Anniversary.
Under the leadership of Pastor Turpin, God has increased the leadership of the Body and the church began moving from membership to Discipleship, with our Free Lunch Program served the 1st Wednesday of each month. Additional ministries soon followed including: the Nursing Home Ministry, the Prison Ministry and the Women’s Refuge.
During the summer of 2006, the outside Renovation Project on our church began. For the first time in history a cross was affixed to the top of the building.
In December 2007, the Church held its first Kids Community Christmas and partnered with Toys for Tots, becoming a distribution center for needy kids within the community.
January 20, 2008, Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand chose The Second Baptist Church as her House of Worship in observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday drawing both media attention and excitement within the Community. January 2008, the Church acquired an email address and established its Media Ministry. June 15, 2008, the media once again attended morning Worship at the Church when newly appointed, 1st Black, State Police Superintendent Harry Corbett was guest speaker for Father’s Day. The excitement grew as June 22, 2008 approached and the church held its first Clergy Ordination Service, Min. Suzette E. Turpin, the first Associate licensed under Pastor Turpin was ordained as a Reverend. What a time! What a time!
July 2009, the Church held its first Vacation Bible School. The all day program spanned between the hours of 8am to 4pm. Attendees were provided day long curriculum and activities that culminated with an evening of Family Fun showcasing their various talents and a trip to Six Flags Great Escape Theme Park. The Vacation Bible School was one of the first of its kind in the area, with students being fed breakfast, lunch and two snacks a day for the five day long program.
The Church marked her 120th celebration with an afternoon service where the Rev. Leonard D. Comithier Jr., a descendent of one of the founding members of the church preached the Anniversary Message. The church presented Rev. Comithier with a plaque to acknowledge its heritage in honor of his Great Uncle, Jacob Comithier.
In 2017, the church was blessed to receive a Church Van from our Sister Church, Shiloh Baptist Church, Hudson, New York, unanimously agreed upon by the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ronald Grant and the Shiloh membership.
September 2019, we celebrated 130 years with a series of events to include A Day at The State Fair, Friends and Family Day, Church Pre Anniversary Luncheon and culminated with a Mortgage Burning Ceremony on Sunday the 22nd. The first time in the life of the church, has the church paid off a Mortgage, and has done so more than a year in advance!
March 15, 2020, following the Men and Women’s Annual Day celebration, the church doors were closed for in person worship once New York State went on pause by the order of the Governor complying with CDC protocols because of COVID 19. We were officially in a Pandemic. During this period, the Church had to pivot to Virtual Worship. The Pastor’s home was utilized as the broadcasting studio. With the media expertise of Rev. Dr. Shanell, we were able to smoothly transition to streaming service to Facebook, as well as Conference Call. Those who could gather, did gather at the Pastor’s home.
In May 2020, the Church celebrated the Pastor’s 20th Anniversary with a drive by parade and delivering a dinner meal to the family. The deacon’s shared in that meal. We were still on pause and social distancing was a requirement.
The Pandemic shut down in person congregant worship and services, but the church flourished in outreach services. April 6, 2020, The Book Ministry began its infancy stage broadcasting from the Church’s primary FB page. After four weeks, the church launched another Facebook account titled Second Baptist Beyond The Walls, reading books centered around Christian principles that provided encouragement and growth to all participants. Additionally, the Garden Ministry was birthed, sending cards of encouragement and well wishes to church members, community family and friends.
In November 21, 2020, The church pivoted once again with efforts to feed the community with monthly mass food distributions. Spearheaded by Pastor Richard D. Turpin, distribution efforts began timely right before the Thanksgiving holiday. A period where the pandemic had caused tremendous shortages of household needs and food. Our food distribution expanded throughout Greene and Columbia Counties, reaching nursing homes, assisted living facilities, housing complexes, as well as independent residents; providing not only food, but toilet paper, paper towels, cleansing wipes and water. Community members donated their time to the Church for this effort.
During the Pandemic years, Pastor Turpin allowed all Annual Celebrations to be celebrated virtually with the exception of the Church’s Anniversary. September 2020, we held the Church’s 131st Anniversary Service at the Point Dutchmen’s Landing wearing yellow t-shirts, the Youth Choir singing and take home meals prepared and packed for each member to enjoy. Attendance was amazing. It was the first time we were able to worship together in person and it felt good!
July 25- Aug 5, 2022, Our Vacation Bible School Day Camp was once again held providing instruction and recreation for kids of the Catskill Community. As a result of this outreach six kids united with the church as Candidates for Baptism.
September 2022, the church celebrated 133 years with various events to Light Up September, beginning with Back To School Game Night for the Youth, Paint and Praise, A Rainbow Tea and culminating with Anniversary Service in Our Sanctuary for the first time in three years. T-shirts once again worn, this time to honor the lives of our loved ones. Church Theme “Changing Positions for Someone We Love.” Last quarterly meeting of 2022, Pastor Richard D. Turpin announced his projected retirement with a two year preparation plan.
2023 began with the Church honoring Pastor Richard Turpin and Lady Rev. Suzette with various Pre-Retirement celebrations, hosted by the ministries of the church, beginning with Pre-Retirement Prayer breakfast held in March and culminating with Retirement Banquet held in November.
September 2023, the church’s 134th Anniversary was historical. It began with Pastor- Elect Dr. Shanell Turpin accompanied by Deacon Wayne Neal baptizing four new members into the body, two adults and two children. Following Worship, the celebration concluded by providing meals to the Community. The entire church family wore our Anniversary T-Shirts, gathered in the rear Sanctuary and assembled meals for community members. Over 100 meals consisting of Turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes and green beans, were prepared and delivered. To God Be The Glory!
March 16, 2024, the Church made History once again. Rev. Dr. Shanell Turpin was installed as the first Black Female Pastor of Second Baptist and the first Black Female Baptist Pastor in Greene County…Praise the Lord!